Uploading and downloading files in Manage Files

The Upload icon on the Manage Files page allows you to select and upload a file from your computer to Learning Environment. You can upload most file types, but keep in mind that users must have corresponding software to view these files.

Though you can upload most file types to a content directory in Manage Files, only files with specific extensions can be used as content topics. For a list of unsupported file types and extensions, see Restricted upload extensions.

Upload files

  1. In the Manage Files area, navigate to the folder into which you want to upload files.
  2. Click the Upload icon from the folder bar.
  3. Click Browse to locate the file that you want to upload.
  4. Click the Add button to upload multiple files.
  5. Click the Upload button.

Download files or folders

  1. In the Manage Files area, locate the folder from which you want to download files.
  2. Select the check boxes beside the files or folders you want to download.
  3. Click the Download icon from the action bar.
  4. From the pop-up window, click the name of the ZIP file that is created.
  5. Use your browser’s save dialog to save the file to an appropriate location.


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