Creating, editing and deleting glossary terms

Create a glossary term

  1. On the main Glossary page, click the Add Term link.
  2. Type a title for the new glossary term in the Term field.
  3. Type the definition of the term in the Definition field.
  4. You can also use the Spell Check and Preview icons to check and preview it.
  5. If you want the glossary term to link to a content topic, select the topic from the Link to Content Topic drop-down list.

    Note  You must have the content topic already created to link the glossary term to it.

  6. Click Save, or click Save and New to save and add another term.

Edit a glossary term

  1. On the main Glossary page, click the Edit Term icon next to the term.
  2. Make your revisions.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a glossary term

  1. On the main Glossary page, click the Delete Term icon next to the term.
  2. Click OK in the confirmation message.

Delete multiple terms

  1. On the main Glossary page, select the terms that you want to delete using the Select check boxes to their left. To select all terms, use the Select All check box at the top of the list.
  2. Click the Delete selected Terms icon at the top of the list of terms.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation message.

See also


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