Entering grades

The Enter Grades area is where you enter, import, and export grades for your users. In this area you see your grade book organized by user. From the User List you can grade users by user, item, category, of final grade. You can also switch between the standard view of the grade book and a spreadsheet view that allows you to enter grades directly into the User List.

Note  You can change which items appear in your view of the grade book by selecting Display Options from the Enter Grades area. Select or clear the check boxes beside the items you want to appear, and click Save.

Enter grades using the spreadsheet view of the User List

  1. From the User List page, click the Switch to Spreadsheet View action menu option.
  2. Enter grades in the input fields in the User List.
  3. Click Save.

Enter grades by user

  1. From the User List page, click on the name of a user.
  2. Tip  Use the Search, View By, or Next Page options to locate a user.

  3. On the Grade User page, enter grades for the user in the Grade fields for the appropriate grade items.
  4. Click the Show Comments link to add Comments for User or User leading a course Only Comments for your records.
  5. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag user for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside the user’s name.

    Preview the user’s grades

    Click Preview on the action bar.

    View the event log for the user’s grades

    Click Event Log on the action bar.

    Email the user

    Click Email User on the action bar.

    Change final grades

    See Calculating final grades

  6. Click Save.

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Enter grades by category

  1. From the User List page, click the Enter Grades icon next to the category.
  2. Enter grades in the Grade fields.
  3. Click the Enter Comments icon if you want to add comments on a user’s performance.
  4. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag user for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside their name.

    Email users

    Select the check boxes beside user’s names and click   Email selected users at the top or bottom of the list.

    Clear all grades in the category for selected users

    Select the check boxes beside users’ names and click   Clear grades for all selected users at the top or bottom of the list.

    Clear all grades in the category for all users

    Click   Clear All on the action bar.

    View statistics for the category

    Click Category Statistics on the top tool menu.

  5. Click Save.

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Enter grades by grade item

  1. From the User List page, click the Enter Grades icon next to grade item.
  2. Enter grades in the Grade fields.
  3. If you want to add comments on a user’s performance, click the Enter Comments icon.
  4. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag users for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside their name.

    Apply a common grade to all users

    1. Click the Grade All action menu item.
    2. Enter a Grade.
    3. Click Save.

    Apply a common grade to selected users

    1. Select the users.
    2. Click the Enter grade for all selected users icon at the top or bottom of the list.
    3. Click Save.

    Evaluate grade items associated with a learning objective

    1. Click the Grade Rubric icon.
    2. Select an achievement level for the user.
    3. Click Save.

    Email selected users

    Select the check boxes beside users’ names and click   Email selected users at the top or bottom of the list.

    Clear grades for selected users

    Select the check boxes beside users’ names and click   Clear grades for all selected users at the top or bottom of the list.

    Clear grades for all users

    Click the Clear All action menu item.

    View statistics for the grade item

    Click Item Statistics on the top tool menu.

    View the Event Log for the grade item for a particular user

    Click the Event Log icon in the user’s row.

    View the Event Log for the grade item for all users

    Click the Event Log action menu item.

  5. Click Save.

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Enter grades for items associated with quizzes, dropbox folders or discussions

You can associate quizzes, dropbox folders, and discussion forums and topics with grade items and grade them directly from the Quizzes, Dropbox, and Discussions tools.

Note  You can enter or update a grade from either the Grades tool or the tool the item is associated with. However, changes made in the Grades tool are not updated in the associated tool.

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