The Equation Editor

The Equation Editor is accessible within the HTML Editor, which enables users to insert mathematical and statistical equations into an HTML page. Learning Environment supports the input of MathML and LaTeX, as well as a graphical editor where you can visually create equations. Depending on your org settings, you may not have access to all input methods.


MathML is a standard adopted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It uses XML to describe mathematical notation by capturing both its structure and content. This enables MathML to support visual display and assistive technology access.

As a standard, Learning Environment stores and displays all equations in the MathML format, regardless of the format you use to enter equations. Users can choose to display equations as inline MathML or using the Java applet from their preferences. While Firefox supports the display of inline MathML, other browsers require the Java applet to render equations.

To enable the display of equations as inline MathML, go to the Preferences tool and change your Math Display setting in the Appearance & Accessibility tab. See Setting your preferences for more information.


LaTeX is a typesetting system based on TeX. It provides a text syntax for complex mathematical formulae. Learning Environment stores equations entered in LaTeX format as MathML to ensure consistency and accessibility.

Graphical Editor

The Graphical Editor is a Java-based application that features a tool bar equipped with a selection of buttons. This tool bar provides the necessary elements to construct your equations quickly and easily. Each button in the Equation Editor tool bar opens a palette of related mathematical symbols.

Review the following steps prior to using the Graphical Editor:

Palettes in the Graphical Editor

Icon Name Description


Layout Palette

Add a template for building equations. Use the Text box function to add text to your equation.


Accents Palette

Update or Add Squares with Accents.


Fences Palette

Update or Add Squares with Fences.


Trigonometry Palette

Add a template for building Trigonometry equations.


Calculus Palette

Add a template for building Calculus equations.


Matrices Palette

Update or Add Matrices to equations.


Arrows Palette

Update or Add Arrows to equations.


Operators Palette

Update or Add Operators to equations.


Comparison Operators Palette

Update or Add Comparison Operators to equations.


Set Theory Palette

Update or Add Set Theory Operators to equations.


Logical Operators Palette

Update or Add Logical Operators to equations.


Lowercase Greek Palette

Update or Add Lowercase Greek characters to equations.


Uppercase Greek Palette

Update or Add Uppercase Greek characters to equations.


Algebra Palette

Add a template for building Algebra equations.


Tools Palette

Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Zoom in, and Zoom out.

Using the Equation Editor

Access the Equation Editor

  1. Go to the Advanced tab of the HTML Editor.
  2. Click the Insert Equation icon.

Create an equation

  1. Enter a Title for your equation.
  2. Choose the Math Format you want to use and click Apply. If you choose to switch formats, you must recreate your equation in the new format since the Equation Editor cannot convert your equation to another format.
  3. Enter your equation and click Refresh Preview to ensure the accuracy of your equation.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Tip  Save!

Edit an equation

  1. Select the equation that you want to edit by clicking on the corresponding capital sigma sign.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab of the HTML Editor.
  3. Click the Equation Editor icon.

  4. Make the changes you want to your equation. If you choose to switch formats, you must recreate your equation in the new format since the Equation Editor cannot convert your equation to another format.
  5. Click Refresh Preview to ensure the accuracy of your equation.
  6. Click Insert to update your equation.

Delete an equation

  1. From within the HTML Editor, select the equation that you would like to delete.
  2. Press the Delete key or click the Cut icon to remove the equation from the HTML page.


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