Troubleshooting metadata conflicts

Conflicts occur when a resource’s metadata violates restrictions set by the current view. You might encounter a conflict when you do any of the following:

Conflict types and resolutions

Conflict Reason Result Resolution

Character Limit

The value of the data exceeds the character limit set for the field

The value is truncated

Use a shorter value or cancel your changes and use the advanced interface or an alternate view


The value of the data does not belong to the restricted vocabulary set for the field

The value is cleared

Select a value from the field’s restricted vocabulary or cancel your changes and use the advanced interface or an alternate view


A field contains more values than the view allows

Additional values are saved but are not displayed

Use the advanced interface or an alternate view if you want to see or edit the additional values


Occurs when you import data in a language not used by the Metadata tool in your organization

The language is changed to “unspecified”

Select an alternate language, leave the language unspecified, or ask site administration to add the language


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