Creating a Arithmetic Question in the quiz tool

The Arithmetic question type is a great way to present unique questions to each user. Numbers can be randomly chosen for each variable in the question based on specified number ranges.

  1. Assign a Points value and a Difficulty level.
  2. Enter your Question Text in the text box. To refer to variables, type the variable surrounded with curly braces.

    Example  “2 trains are traveling away from each other at {x} miles per hour and {y} miles per hour respectively. How far apart are they after 15 minutes?”

  3. In the Variables section, define all of the variables you used in the Question Text.
    1. Type the name of your variable (for example, x) in the Name column.
    2. Type the minimum value for the variable in the Min column.
    3. Type the maximum value for the variable in the Max column.
    4. Select the applicable number of decimal places for the variable in the Decimal Places drop-down list.
    5. In the Step field, type the increment that the system should use when choosing random numbers from the range you specified in the Min and Max fields.

      Example  If you create variable X with Min=100, Max=200 and Step=5, the system will only choose values for X that are increments of 5 above 100 (105, 110, 115, etc., up to 200) when generating questions.

  4. Click Add Variable to add more variables or Remove to delete extra variables.
  5. Type the formula that you use to calculate the correct answer in the Formula field. Make sure that you enclose all variables in curly braces.

    Example  ({x}+{y})/4

  6. The following functions are supported in the Formula field:
    Enumerations Description


    Basic mathematical operators


    x to the power of y


    Absolute value of n


    The cosine of n (in radians)


    The sine of n (in radians)


    The square root of n


    The tangent of n (in radians)


    The log base 10 of n


    The log base e of n


    The inverse tangent of n


    The secant of n


    The cosecant of n


    The cotangent of n




    The power of natural log (e)

    The following constants are supported:

    • PI  3.14159 (accurate up to 50 decimal places)
    • e  2.71828 (accurate up to 50 decimal places)
  7. Click the Test button to test your formula. A new page will display containing an example of your formula.
  8. Select a number from the Answer Precision drop-down list to define the number of decimal places answers must be accurate to.
  9. Type a Tolerance value and choose either Units or Percent to define how accurate answers must be. For example, a tolerance of 3% would allow answers to be off by 3%, or a tolerance of 5 units would allow answers to be off by 5 units (units are defined in the field below).
  10. Type the unit that the answer to the question should be in (if any) in the Units field (for example, MPH, meters, inches, etc.).
    • Check the case sensitive box if the unit is case sensitive.
    • If you want to assign points for using the correct unit in an answer, choose a percentage value from the Worth drop-down list.

Example  If 50% is chosen in the Worth drop-down list, the user would receive 50% of the points for the question for answering with the correct value, and would receive the other 50% if they answered using the correct unit. Note that if you have selected the case sensitive option, users must type the unit in the proper letter case to have their answer considered correct.

See also


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