Creating a Fill in the Blanks Question in the quiz tool

Desire2Learn recommends that the total weight of your answers equals 100%, but this is not required. For example, if the question has a Point value of 3, and the question contains 3 answers with a Weight (%) of 50%, 100%, and 33.33%, then the first answer is worth 1.5 points (50% of the question's Point value of 3), the second answer is worth 3 (100% of the question's Point value of 3), and the third answer is worth 1 (33.33% of the question's Point value of 3). Therefore, if a user answers all the answers correctly, the total points awarded for the question would be 5.5.

  1. Assign a Points value and a Difficulty level.
  2. Enter the text that appears before the first blank in the first text field.
  3. Choose your blank size in the drop-down list.
  4. If you want to add more answers, click the Add Answer.
  5. Enter a Weight (%) for each answer. The answer Weight (%) is a percentage of the assigned Point value for the question. For example, if the question has a Point value of 3, and the question contains 3 answers with a Weight (%) of 33.33% each, then each question is worth 1 point. (Each answer is worth 1/3 of the question's Point value.)
  6. Enter the text that appears after the first blank in the next text field.
  7. If you want to add more text and blank options, click Add Text Add Blank.

Note  When creating a survey, adding answers is not required.

See also


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