Creating a Matching Question in the quiz tool

  1. Assign a Points value and a Difficulty level.
  2. Enter in the text box.
  3. Choose a display Style.
  4. Choose a marking format:
    • Equally weighted  User receives marks for each correct answer.
    • All or nothing   User must have all the possible correct answers or else they receive no marks.
    • Right minus wrong  The number of right answers chosen is subtracted from the number of wrong answers chosen to get an overall mark for the question.
  5. Type the question choices in the text boxes. If you want to add more choices, click the Add Choice button.
  6. Type the matches in the text boxes. If you want to add more choices, click the Add Match button.
  7. Use the drop-down list beside a match to select a corresponding choice number. This will create the matched pairs.


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