Managing Questions and Sections in the Question Library

Think of the sections in the Question Library as file folders in which you can store and organize groups of questions. For example, you might create a “multiple choice” section where you would put all your multiple choice questions, or a section containing all questions related to a specific topic, such as "Theoretical Fundamentals".

Having your questions organized in sections is also useful when you create a quiz. Instead of importing the questions one at a time you can import a whole section of questions into a quiz at the same time.

Create a new Section in the Question Library

  1. Click the Quizzes link in the course navigation bar.
  2. Click the Question Library icon. The Question Library page displays.
  3. In the Create New drop-down list, select “Section” and click GO.

Create a new Question in the Question Library

  1. Click the Quizzes link in the course navigation bar.
  2. Click the Question Library icon. The Question Library page displays.
  3. In the Create New drop-down list, select the applicable question type and click GO.

After you have created or imported quiz sections and questions, you can then manage them in the Question Library.

The following options are displayed at the top of the Question Library page once you have created sections or questions:

Move a question into a section

  1. Select the check box beside one or more questions.
  2. Click the Move icon. The Move Objects pop-up displays with a list of sections in your Question Library.
  3. Click the name of the section that you want to move the questions into. The questions move into the section.

Note  This procedure is also used for moving a section into another section, thus creating subsections.

Delete a question or section

  1. Select the check box beside the question or section.
  2. Click the Delete icon.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation message.

Change the position of a question or section in the list

  1. Click the Order icon. The Order pop-up displays.
  2. Select the items you want to move and click the Up/  Down arrows to move the items through the list. Repeat this step for each item until you have achieved the desired order.
  3. Click Save.

Edit the appearance of the Question Library

  1. Click the Display Options link in the top-right corner of the Question Library page. The Display Options pop-up displays.
  2. Select a Header Display option from the drop-down list. This feature controls how the links along the top of the Question Library are displayed, as follows.
    • Text and Icons  Shows both the text and icons for each link (for example, Move).
    • Text Only  Shows only the text for each link (for example, Move).
    • Icons Only  Shows only the icons for each link (for example, ).
  3. Clear Show Sections Sidebar if you do not want to see the area on the left of the Question Library that shows a list of sections in your library.
  4. Check View actions in Pop-up if you want questions to open in a new window when you click on them, rather than opening in the main Question Library page.

Complete other tasks from the Question Library

  1. You also have the following options from the question library:
    • Click the View Question icon beside a question to see how it will appear in a quiz, how it is marked, feedback comments, and where this question is used.
    • Click the Edit icon beside a question or click the question name to make changes to the question.
    • Click the Edit icon beside a section to make changes to the section.
    • Select an item or items and click the Edit Values icon to change the mark and difficultly values for your items.
  2. Click Save to update your changes.

Note  The Difficulty level feature is primarily a tool that you can use to organize and compare questions. For example, after assigning a specific difficulty value to a number of questions, you can sort and view the questions by their assigned difficulty value to ensure consistency.

See also


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