Random question sets

Inserting a random section into a quiz ensures that each user will receive a unique set of questions. The random section pulls from a designated pool of questions stored in the Question Library. It is important to note that you must import questions that have already been created elsewhere into a random section; you cannot create questions within the random section, nor can you move questions into this section.

After selecting the questions from the library, you can specify how many questions from the random question pool each user should see. The random section will then randomly select this number of questions for each user that takes the quiz. This feature guarantees that each user will receive a unique quiz with different questions.

You must create a quiz before adding a random set of questions. Since random sections can only contain questions from the question library, it is important that you create questions in the Question Library before you create a quiz. You can then import the questions into the random section folder. There are no limits to the number or type of questions in a random quiz.


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