Setting up quiz submission views

Use the options in the Submission Views tab to give feedback to users after they submit a quiz attempt.

  1. Click the Submission Views tab from within a quiz.
  2. The details of the default submission view are displayed.
  3. To change the default view, click the Default View link. The Edit Submission Views page displays.
  4. Type a Message to display to users once they have submitted a quiz.
  5. Use the Show Question? options to determine what elements of answered questions users see. Click Yes and choose an option from the Show Questions list. You have the following options:
    • Show questions answered incorrectly  Only shows users questions that they answered incorrectly.
    • Show questions answered correctly  Only shows users questions that they answered correctly.
    • Show all questions without user responses  Shows all of the quiz questions the user did not answer.
    • Show all questions with user responses  Shows all of the quiz questions to the user that they answered.
    • Show question answers  Shows the answers next to each question that appears. Answers will not appear for Questions that are not displayed.
    • Show question score and out of score  Shows the score achieved and out of values for each question that appears.
  6. Or, click No to not show any questions to users after they submit their quiz.
  7. Show attempt scores and overall attempt score. When this option is set, users are able to see their score as soon as they submit their attempt. The score displayed is reliant on what the system can auto-grade.
  8. Check Show class average and/or Show score distribution to display these statistics to users after they submit their quiz.


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