Enrolling users in sections

Users are enrolled in sections based on the enrollment options selected on the Create Sections page. Use the Enroll Users page to:

Modify or add enrollment

  1. From the Manage Sections page, click the Enroll Users icon.
  2. Select whether you want to Display ‘All Sections’ or a specific section.
  3. To search for a specific users, enter information in the Search For field.

    Tip  Use the Not Enrolled search option to find users that still need to be added to a section.

  4. Enroll users or adjust enrollment using the check boxes in the Enroll Users grid.
  5. Click Save when you are finished.

Tip  Manually enrolling users allows you to exceed the enrollment limit for a section.

Enrolling course leaders in sections

How users that can lead courses are enrolled in sections depends on whether they have access to all sections or only select sections. Give users access to all sections when you want them to mediate, grade, and work on material for the entire class. Give them access to only select sections when you want them to only interact with or grade a particular section of users.

Best practice  Add staff that are working with a single section the same way you add users.

Warning  If  the ‘Can be auto-enrolled’ option is selected for users that can lead courses and assisting users are added to sections at the same time as users; all or most of your staff might end up in the same section. Make sure you even out enrollment using the Enroll Users page.

Modify or add enrollment for users that can lead courses

  1. From the Manage Sections page, click the Enroll Users icon.
  2. Search for the user you want to add in the Search For field.
  3. Select the check box for the section you want to add the user to in the Enroll Users grid.
  4. Click Save.

Tip  Use the Not Enrolled search option to see a list of users that need to be enrolled.


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