About Self Assessments

You can create self assessments to use as topics in your course content modules. Doing this allows users to judge how well they understand material as they work through it. In addition, feedback can be embedded into a self assessment. Think of self assessments as quizzes that will not be graded.

Each self assessment belongs to a single course. To create a self assessment, go to the course that you want to create it in and click the Self Assessments link on the navigation bar. This will take you to the Self Assessments tool.

The Manage Self Assessments page displays when you enter the Self Assessments tool.

On the Manage Self Assessments page you can see all the self assessments that have been created for your course. If there are no self assessments associated with your course you will see the message “There are no self assessments available.”

Furthermore, from the Manage Self Assessments page you can choose to create a new self assessment, copy an existing self assessment, reorder the list of self assessments and delete self assessments.

Access the Self Assessments tool

Click the Self Assessments link on the course navigation bar.

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