Creating reports for surveys

You can create survey reports that amalgamate gathered survey data by org unit. Reports can be customized to meet all your needs to release the results of the data collected. You can create multiple survey reports.

  1. From within a survey, click the Reports Setup tab.
  2. Click the Add Report button.
  3. Type a Report Name.
  4. Choose one of the following Report Types:
  5. Summary Report options:
    • Show aggregate data: displays the data collected for multiple choice questions, true and false, Likert, multi-select, and matching question types.
    • Show text responses: displays the data collected for long answers, short answers and fill-in-the-blanks question types.
    • Show signed comments: displays responses (with data) for any long answer questions in the survey with the Show signed comments property turned on where the user has given permission to release their name with their response.
    • Show unsigned comments: displays responses (with data) for any long answer questions in the survey with the Show signed comments property turned on where the user has not given permission to release their name with their response.
  6. Individual Attempts options:
    • Hide user information: will not display the user’s first and last name when the Individual Attempts report is viewed.
  7. Set your Release options. Here you can set up the when and to whom this survey report  is released.
    • Select Immediately or select a date from the drop-down lists or calendar icon.
    • Check the users and roles that you want to release the report to.
  8. Click Save Report.


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