Conducting sessions, presentations and lectures

LiveRoom makes it easy to deliver presentations and virtual lectures, while also supporting a variety of other types of collaboration. Consider using LiveRoom to:

Browse Type

In LiveRoom, you can specify whether moderators control the resources currently viewed by the audience (participants and guests), or whether all room members can navigate freely between different resources. This setting is called the Browse Type. There are three different Browse Type settings available.

You can view resources without automatically showing them to the audience, and you can change the audience’s view without changing your own.

Each Browse Type setting is useful for different types of situations.

The Free setting is best used for meetings or workgroups where no single room member is in charge of the session. It is also useful for presentations or lectures that include supplementary resources or where there is no sequential path through resources. (For example, you might have a set of primary resources or slides to present, plus a set of additional resources for reference purposes. You might direct the attention of other room members to the primary resources through the chat window, but leave control up to each person to switch between primary and supplemental resources.)

The Follow setting is best used for virtual lectures or presentations where you want to use resources like slides or overhead sheets, switching between them as the presentation progresses.

The Preview setting is a more advanced version of Follow. In Preview mode, you still control what the audience sees, but what they see is separate from what you see. The resource the audience sees is called the active resource, and is indicated in the Presentation Explorer by the Active Resource icon. Keeping the audience’s view separate from your own allows you to review resources before showing them to the audience (useful if you want to ensure that a resource is properly prepared; for example, that a web resource is set to the correct address) and to switch between resources in your own view without causing the entire audience’s view to switch along with you (if, for example, you have private resources you want to use for personal reference during the presentation).

Change the Browse Type

From the Browse Type list at the bottom of the Presentation Explorer, select Preview, Follow, or Free.

Viewing a resource in the Resource Viewer

As a moderator, you can always control which resource you are currently viewing in the Resource Viewer. If the Browse Type is set to Follow, whatever resource you load into the Resource Viewer will also be displayed to everyone else in the room (including other moderators, unless their own Browse Type is set to Preview). In Preview and Free modes, switching between resources only affects your own view.

Load a resource into the Resource Viewer

Do one of the following:

Controlling the audience’s view

Do one of the following:

Note  if the Browse Type is set to Free, you cannot control the audience’s view.

Clearing the Resource Viewer

If the Browse Type is set to Preview or Follow, you can clear the Resource Viewer so that the audience will see nothing displayed. You might use this feature when finished with a resource to return audience attention to the Chat window.

Clear the Resource Viewer

  1. In the Presentation Explorer, right-click on the currently active resource (indicated by the Active resource icon). If the Browse Type is set to Follow, the active resource is the resource you are currently viewing.
  2. Select Deactivate.

Hidden resources

Individual resources can be hidden from participants and guests. When a resource is hidden, it will not appear in their list of resources in the Presentation Explorer, or in the navigation list, and even if the Browse Type is set to Free, participants and guests will not be able to view hidden resources.

For moderators, hidden resources will be listed in the Presentation Explorer in italics.

Hide or unhide a resource

In the Presentation Explorer, right-click on a resource and select Hide or Unhide.

New resources are automatically hidden when they are created.

Hidden resources will automatically be made visible in Follow mode when they are viewed and in Preview mode when they are made active.

Locked and unlocked resources

By default, when you create a Web or Quicklink resource, it will be locked. When a resource is locked, participants and guests will not be able to interact with it, but will only be able to passively view it as though viewing an image. (For example, if a Web resource is locked, participants and guests will not be able to follow links within the page when it is displayed.)

Individual resources can be locked or unlocked using the Lock Resource control in the Resource Viewer tool bar.

If you unlock a Web resource, participants and guests will see their own browser navigation controls whenever the resource is displayed (allowing them to use the forward and back buttons, enter a new address, etc.) and will be able to follow links inside Web pages, use buttons and text boxes, and so on. This means that all room members will be free to navigate to other Web pages, and will not necessarily be viewing the same page that you see.

Unlocking a Quicklink resource will allow participants and guests to interact with the linked component, just as if they had accessed it directly through Learning Environment. If the resource links to a discussion topic, they will now be able to select and view messages, add new messages, etc. If it links to a topic from the course content, they will be able to show and hide the table of contents and link to other topics.

Lock or unlock a resource

Click the Lock Resource button on the Resource Viewer tool bar.

Note  If you unlock a Web resource, keep in mind that your audience members will not necessarily see the same Web page that you see, since they will be free to navigate to other pages on the internet.

Annotating a resource

The Annotation feature allows you to use the drawing controls from the canvas resource on top of any other resource. When you annotate a resource, a picture of the resource is taken and made into the background of a canvas; this becomes the “annotation canvas” for this resource. The annotation canvas gives you access to all of the standard canvas controls, including shapes, images, and equations.

Because the annotation canvas is a type of canvas, you can allow participants to annotate a given resource by giving them permission to modify the annotation canvas.

You can switch between the annotation view of a resource and the standard view at any time. Shapes added to the annotation canvas will be saved when you switch back to standard view, and will appear again when you switch back to the annotation view. This allows you to turn annotations on to mark up a resource, and then turn it off again to hide the mark-ups and regain control over the resource. (For example, you might navigate to a website, update the resource’s address, turn on annotations, use the ellipse tool to draw attention to a search box, then hide annotations to be able to interact with the website again, and finally allow audience members to use the search box in their own Resource Viewers.)

Note  you will not be able to control the resource when you are in annotation mode. The resource’s standard controls will be hidden and replaced by the canvas controls.

Annotate a resource

  1. Load the resource in the Resource Viewer.
  2. Click the Annotate button in the Resource Viewer tool bar.
  3. Use the drawing tools to add shapes, text, equations, and images over top of the resource.

Note  if the Browse Type is set to free, each room member will be able to switch between the annotation view and the standard view of a resource individually.

Hide annotations and restore resource controls

Click the Annotate button again.

Restore annotations

Click the Annotate button again.

Allowing participants to modify a canvas or annotate a resource

By default, only moderators have access to a canvas’s drawing tools. You can allow individual participants to modify a canvas by giving them the Modify Canvas permission. This allows them to use the drawing tools, insert text and images, edit equations, and select and alter existing shapes. You can also allow participants to annotate other resources by granting them permission to modify a resource’s “annotation canvas”.

In this way, you can allow a specific user to control a specific canvas without giving them any other abilities. This is a good alternative to changing a user’s access level to moderator if you do not want them to be able to answer questions and view feedback from other participants, etc.

You might use the modify canvas permission to allow participants to take turns completing equations on a canvas, or to allow a participant to annotate a web page.

If a participant is given permission to modify a canvas, everyone in the room will see a canvas icon beside the participant’s name and a message will be posted to the chat window saying which resource they have been granted permission to modify. When the permission is revoked, the icon will disappear and another message will be posted.

Tip  you can quickly view the permissions that have been granted to a participant by holding the mouse pointer over the canvas icon beside their name – a tool tip will appear listing the participant’s permissions.

Grant or revoke permission to modify a canvas or annotate a resource

  1. Right-click on the room member in the Room Members list, point to Permissions and then Presentation Items.
  2. Point to the name of the resource.

    Note If you want to grant permission to annotate a resource, you will first need to put the resource into annotation mode at least once. (This creates the annotation canvas for that resource.)

  3. Click Modify Canvas.

When granting permissions, if the Browse Type is set to follow or preview, the resource will still need to be unhidden and active. Giving permission to modify a hidden or non-active resource will not be sufficient to allow the participant to control the resource.

Handling permission requests

Participants can request permission to modify a specific canvas. When a participant makes a modify canvas request, an icon will appear beside their name in the Room Members list and a message will be posted to the chat window describing the request. Only moderators will be able to see permission requests.

Grant or deny a permission request

  1. Right-click on the participant’s name in the Room Members list.
  2. Point to Grant Requests or Deny Requests.
  3. Click the request you want to grant or deny.


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