Managing room members

Room members are users who have access to a room. Each room will have its own list of members, and each member will have a default access level for that room (the default access level is the level the user will be assigned when they enter the room).

For personal rooms, room members must be added manually. No one will have access to a personal room by default (except the room’s creator).

For general rooms, everyone enrolled in the org unit where the room is created will automatically be added to the room members list. Access to a general room can be further restricted using release conditions.

The Room Members page

The Room Members page lists everyone who has access to a room and allows you to change their access levels and, for personal rooms, add new members and delete existing members. It also indicates which room members are currently inside the room.

Access the Room Members page

Do one of the following:

Access Levels

In LiveRoom, access levels determine the types of things users can do inside a room. The access level listed beside a room member on the Room Members page is the default access level that the user will receive when they enter the room. Access levels can also be changed inside a room during a session, but these effects will only last until the end of that session.

For general rooms, users enrolled in a course will automatically have their access level set to Participant.

There are three access levels that room members can be assigned:

Owners (personal rooms only)

Room members added to a personal room can be marked as “owners” of the room. A personal room’s owners can edit the room and add and delete room members. Only the creator can delete the room or its archives.

Adding room members (personal rooms only)

Personal rooms can only be accessed by the people you choose, by adding them to the room members list for the room. When someone is added to a room, they will be able to see the room on the Room List page and join the room when it is available. (If a room member’s access level is Moderator, they will be able to enter the room at any time.)

Any room member marked as an “owner” will be able to add new members to a personal room.

Add a room member by username

  1. From the page, click the icon at the top of the screen. The page will appear in a new window.
  2. Select .
  3. Enter the user’s . The username is how Learning Environment recognizes each person using the system.
  4. Select the you want this user to have.
  5. Select the check box if you want to mark this user as an owner.
  6. Click the button in the bottom right of the screen. The user will be added to the membership list for this room.
  7. You can continue to add new room members, or click to close the screen and return to the page.

Add classmates

  1. From the page, click the icon at the top of the screen. The page will appear in a new window.
  2. Select Add Classmates.
  3. From the Course Offering list, select one of your classes. A list of all users enrolled in the class will appear.
  4. To find a specific classmate, enter part of their first or last name in the search box and click Search.
  5. Select the check box beside the name of each classmate you want to add to your room. To select all classmates, select the check box at the top of the list beneath the Add Participant heading.
  6. Specify the Access Level you want each selected participant to have.
  7. Select the Is Owner check box for any classmates you want to mark as owners.
  8. Click the Add button in the bottom right of the screen. The user will be added to the membership list for this room.
  9. You can continue to add new room members, or click Cancel to close the screen and return to the Room Members page.

Deleting room members (personal rooms only)

Deleting a room member removes them from the membership list for the room; they will no longer be able to enter the room or see its archives.

If a room member is currently inside a room, deleting them will not remove them from the room. To remove them from the current session, you will have to enter the room and use the kick function inside LiveRoom. If you want to remove a user from the current session and stop them from returning, you should delete them from the membership list first before kicking them out of the room, otherwise they may be able to re-enter the room before you have a chance to delete them from the membership list.

Delete a room member

  1. On the Room Members page, select the room members you want to delete using the check boxes at the left. To select all room members, select the check box at the top of the list.
  2. Click the Remove Users icon at the top of the list.

Changing a room member’s access level

When a room member’s access level is changed, the new level will take effect the next time the user enters the room. If a user is currently inside the room, their access level in the current session will not be affected.

For personal rooms, you can also change whether or not a room member is marked as an owner.

Change a room member’s access level

  1. On the Room Members page, select the room members whose access levels you want to change using the check boxes at the left. To select all room members, select the check box at the top of the list.
  2. Click the Change Access Level icon at the top of the list. The Change Access Level page will appear.
  3. For each room member, select their new access level (the level you want them to have) using the lists in the New Access Level column.

    You can change everyone on the screen to the same access level using the Set all access levels to list at the top of the page. This will change the New Access Level for all users on the screen to the specified level. (From there you can change individual room members before saving.)

  4. If you are working with a personal room, you can change whether or not a given room member is marked as an owner using the check boxes in the Is Owner column.
  5. Click the Change Access Level button at the bottom of the screen.

Restore default access levels (general rooms only)

On the Room Members page, click the Restore Access Levels icon at the top of the list of room members.


Each room that is created will have its own archives. Inside the archives, LiveRoom will store a transcript of each session that takes place inside the room. The transcript will contain all messages posted to the chat window, along with system messages indicating when individual users enter or leave the room. It will not contain questions or answers, whispered comments, or other system messages. Resource activity will not be stored.

Unless the option Make archive available to all users was cleared when the room was created, archives will be accessible to all room members.

Access the Archives page

From the Room List page, click on the Archives icon next to a room.

View or print a session’s transcript

  1. On the Archives page, click the name of the session you want to view or print. The View Archive page will be displayed, showing the full transcript for that session.
  2. To print the session, click the Print Archived Session icon at the top right of the screen. This will open a new browser window containing a printer-friendly version of the session’s transcript. It will also automatically open the Print screen for your browser.
  3. Use your browser’s Print screen to print the session.
  4. Close the new browser window that was opened. The browser window showing the View Archive page should appear once more.
  5. Click the Go Back icon to return to the Archives page.

Delete a session from the archives

Individual sessions can be deleted from a room’s archive. Deleting a session removes it from the system. Deleted sessions cannot be recovered. For personal rooms, the creator and owners with the permission Delete Chat Archives can delete sessions from the room’s archives. For general rooms, course leaders with the permission Delete Chat Archives can delete sessions. This permission is controlled by your system administrator.

Note  You cannot delete a room’s archive as a whole or prevent a room’s sessions from being archived.

  1. On the Archives page, select the sessions you want to delete using the check boxes at the left. To select all sessions, select the check box at the top of the list.
  2. Click the Delete Archives button at the top of the screen.


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