About Grades
Use the Grades tool to check your grades on assignments and tests. You can see your individual grades and comments, as well as class averages and feedback. You can also view your final grade and the grade formula used to evaluate you once your instructor releases your grades.
As an instructor or course designer, you can determine:
- How to set up your grade book to best reflect your approach to evaluation.
- The grading system your grade book uses.
- The grade scheme your grade book uses to display achievement levels.
- How grades display to students.
- The type of final grade calculation you want to use and release to students.
- How grades update in the grade book.
- How to deal with ungraded items.
- Which projects, assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc. you want to include in your grade book.
- Which grade items to associate with other tools (e.g. Dropbox, Quizzes, Discussions).
- When to release grades to users and what information they can see.
It is important to understand the following Grades concepts before you create a grade book:
Access the Grades tool
Grades on the navbar.
Grades help topics