Adding items to presentations

Use the Content/Layout tab to add items to your presentations. You may add items on a single page or create multiple pages.

Tip  Try and make sure each item has a unique name. If you have multiple headings or items with the same name in a single presentation it may be difficult for people using screen readers and other non-visual assistive technologies to determine which item or section they are viewing.

Add items to a presentation

  1. Click the Content/Layout tab on the Edit Presentation page.
  2. Click the Add Component button for the area of the page you want to add an item to.
  3. Select the type of item you want to add.
  4. Select the item you want to add.
  5. Click Add.

Edit the display options for artifacts in a presentation

  1. Open the context menu (drop-down) for the item.
  2. Select Edit Display Options.
  3. Change the Title or Description of the item, if desired.

    Note  This will only change the title or description within the presentation.

  4. Select whether you want the artifact to display in-place or as a link.
  5. Select whether you want to auto-fit the artifact to the content area it is displayed in, or maintain its original size (if applicable).
  6. Select which reflections associated with the artifact to display in the presentation (if applicable).
  7. Select the appropriate options related to displaying comments and assessments.
  8. Note  The following file types may be displayed in-place: HTML, AVI, BMP, Flash and Shockwave Flash, GIF, JPG, MP3, PNG, QuickTime, RealAudio, WAV and WMV.

Edit the display options for reflections in a presentation

  1. Open the context menu (drop-down) for the item.
  2. Select Edit Display Options.
  3. Select the appropriate options related to displaying comments and assessments.
  4. Click Save.

See also


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