Modifying the layout of presentation pages

You can change where the navigation area is on presentation pages and where content appears. The page layout can be different for each page.

Change the order of items in a content area

  1. Open the context menu (drop-down) for the item.
  2. Select either Move Up or Move Down.

Move an item to a different content area

  1. Open the context menu (drop-down) for the item.
  2. Select Move To.
  3. Select the content area you want to move the item to.

Remove an item from a presentation

  1. Open the context menu (drop-down) for the item.
  2. Select Remove from Layout.

Add a page to a presentation

  1. Click the New Page icon in the Pages section of the Content/Layout tab.
  2. Enter a Page Name.
  3. Select whether you want to Hide Name so that users do not see the page name when navigating pages.
  4. Select whether you want to Hide Page so that it does not appear in the navigation area of a presentation.

    Tip Use the hide options when you have a longer presentation and only want users to navigate to main topics. They can follow links within the main topics to view sub-topics.

  5. Click Save.

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Change the order of pages in a presentation

  1. Click the Reorder Pages icon in the Pages section.
  2. Select a new position for a page using the Sort Order drop-down list beside its name. The positions of other pages adjust accordingly.
  3. Click Save.

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Change the layout of a page

  1. Select the Edit Page Layout link on the Content/Layout tab of the Edit Presentation page.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • 2 Content Areas
    • 1 Content Area
  3. Click Save.

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Change where the navigation area appears on pages

  1. Select the Edit Presentation Navigation link on the Content/Layout tab of the Edit Presentation page.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Left Navigation
    • Right Navigation
    • Top Navigation
  3. Click Save.

Note  The navigation area must appear in the same area on every page.

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See also

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