Exporting presentations to HTML

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can export presentations to HTML format directly from the Edit Presentation page or a presentation's context menu.

Exporting your presentation to HTML format enables you to keep a copy of your presentation in a viewable format external to the system. This is useful if you change institutions and you don't want to lose your work. Once you export your presentation to HTML, you can host it externally on your own website or save it on your computer to view offline.

Note  You cannot import an HTML presentation back into ePortfolio.

Export your portfolio to HTML

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Go to the Edit Presentation page of the presentation you want to export and click Export from the action bar.
    • Open the context menu of the presentation you want to export and click Export.
  2. Select Export HTML version of presentation.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Click the link for your export file when the file packaging is complete.

    Tip  If you want to navigate away from this page or close the window, you can retrieve your export package from the Import/Export area in the Recent Import/Export Activity list.

  5. Save the export file to your computer or storage device.

Changes to presentation properties during HTML export

Property Notes

Action bar

The action bar at the top of a presentation is not included.


Embedded artifacts and links to artifacts are included.

Alt tags on embedded image artifacts are retained.

Size settings on embedded image and media artifacts are retained.

Artifacts retain their type icon when displayed as a link inline.

Artifact titles and descriptions from the Edit Display Options page are retained.


Assessments made on items within the presentation are included.

Assessments made on the presentation are not included.


All comments for artifacts and reflections are included.

Comments made on the presentation are not included.


Forms linked via a quicklink are not included.


No permissions are retained. Anyone can view content within an HTML presentation.

Presentation layout

Page links, navigation settings, page settings, page names, and text areas are maintained.

Presentation theme

All theme style settings are retained, including custom replaced images.

Profile details

Profile information is exported as displayed in the presentation, including customized profile titles.

Only the fields set to display are exported; hidden profile information does not export with the presentation.


All quicklinks to artifacts within the export package and external URLs are retained.

Quicklinks to system resources will require users to log into the system and have the appropriate permissions.


Embedded reflections and links to reflections are included.

Reflections associated with the presentation are not included.

Text areas

All text formatting, equations and custom characters are included.

See also

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