Importing and exporting ePortfolio items

The Import/Export tool enables you to import and export ePortfolio items for use in other portfolios. When you export an item, you also export the item's description, tags, and settings. You do not export information about the user who created the item, users who left comments on the item, or assessments for the item. When you import an item, the system assumes that the item was created by the user whose portfolio the item is imported to.

With the exception of HTML presentations, you cannot export items for offline viewing. Exported items can only be imported into another Desire2Learn ePortfolio or systems that support the Desire2Learn ePortfolio XML format.

  1. Access the Import/Export tool
  2. Changes to item properties during an export or push
  3. Exporting portfolio items
  4. Importing portfolio items

Use scenarios

Access the Import/Export tool

  1. Click the ePortfolio link in the navigation bar or My Settings widget on My Home.
  2. Click Import/Export in the ePortfolio Areas left tool menu.

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Changes to item properties during an export

Property Notes
Access Log for presentations Not included.
Assessments Not included.
Change Log for Edit permission Not included.
Comments Comments included. Commenter's name is not included.
Contents of a collection Included only if the items are exported at the same time.
Forms Form artifacts are included and users can modify them using the Artifacts tool. The form the artifact is based on is not included in the export file.

The values in system fields are not maintained. The system generates these values based on the user that imports the form.

Rubric fields in a form are not maintained.
Items associated with a reflection Included only if the item is exported at the same time.
Items in a presentation Included only if the item is exported at the same time.
Permissions See [item] only.
Presentation layout Navigation settings, page settings, page names, and text areas are maintained. Profile settings are maintained, but display information corresponding to the user who imports the presentation.
Presentation theme Only the ID for the selected theme is included; not customizations. For example, if a presentation theme was modified using the Aura theme, the Aura theme is used. If the user does not have access to the theme, the system's default theme is used.
Reflections associated with an artifact Included only if the reflection is exported at the same time.
Tag lists for a collection (dynamic collections) All collections become static on export; tag lists are not retained.

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Exporting portfolio items

You can export your entire portfolio content or specific items. If you export specific items, use the auto-include options to ensure you also export any related items you might want.

Auto-include options

Auto-include options appear at the top of the Select Items to Export page. They enable you to specify which types of related or associated items to export with the items you selected to export. If an item is included multiple times, it will only appear once in the export zip file.

The following auto-include options are available:

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Export all items in your portfolio

  1. From the main Import/Export page, select Export ePortfolio Content.
  2. Click All Items.
  3. Select the auto-include options you want. To remove unwanted items from the export list, click the Remove icon for those items.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Open processing pop-up and click the link for your export file when the file packaging is complete.

    Tip  If you want to navigate away from this page or close the window, you can retrieve your export package from the Import/Export area in the Recent Import/Export Activity list.

  6. Save the export file to your computer or storage device.

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Export specific items in your portfolio

  1. From the main Import/Export page, select Export ePortfolio Content.
  2. Click Selected Items.
  3. Click Add Items.
  4. Select the items you want to export and click Add.
  5. Select the auto-include options you want. To remove unwanted items from the export list, click the Remove icon for those items.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select Open processing pop-up and click the link for your export file when the file packaging is complete.

    Tip  If you want to navigate away from this page or close the window, you can retrieve your export package from the Import/Export area in the Recent Import/Export Activity list.

  8. Save the export file to your computer or storage device.

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Export a single portfolio item

Use the Export option in the action bar when editing an artifact, collection, reflection, or presentation. If you export a presentation, there is an option to export it to HTML format. See Exporting presentations to HTML for more information.

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Importing portfolio items

You can only import Desire2Learn ePortfolio packages into your portfolio. If you have other items you want to add to your portfolio, use the Artifacts tool to add them individually.

Note  If you import a form into the same portfolio a second time, only the form artifact is imported; the source form is not imported again. If a field does not match the source form, the response is omitted and validated the next time the user edits the form.

Import an ePortfolio package

  1. From the Import/Export page, select Import ePortfolio Content.
  2. Upload your import file.
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Preview page for the import package, enter any New Tags that you want all imported items to have.
  5. Click Import All Items.

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See also

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