Changing competencies and re-evaluation

Many of the changes that can be made to competency structures have an impact on user results. When these changes occur, the system must examine each user to determine whether they meet the new threshold and update their results accordingly. This process is called re-evaluation.

Changes that trigger re-evaluation in a competency

In general, any time you make a change that alters the criteria required to achieve an activity, learning objective or competency, users are re-evaluated. This includes the following:

Re-evaluation and status

If your organization is using Competency Status, only approved competencies are re-evaluated. Changes made to other competencies don't trigger a re-evaluation until the competency’s status is changed to approved.

If your organization is not using Competency Status, re-evaluation always takes place when applicable changes are made.

Suspending re-evaluation of a learning objective

You can use a learning objective’s Ready for Evaluation setting to prevent it from being re-evaluated. If Ready for Evaluation is set to “No,” you can add new activities to the learning objective and edit or remove existing activities without triggering a re-evaluation.

This is useful if you are making a series of changes to the activities beneath a learning objective. You can set Ready for Evaluation to “No,” make your changes, and set it back to “Yes.” This way re-evaluation happens only once when Ready for Evaluation is set to “Yes.”

Note  This also suspends normal evaluation of the learning objective (meaning users cannot complete the learning objective while Ready for Evaluation is set to “No”).

The Ready for Evaluation setting can be changed on the Edit Learning Objective page.

See also


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