Competency structure: Creating and maintaining links between elements

A competency is only complete, and can only be achieved by users, when it is associated with one or more learning objectives and those learning objectives are each associated with activities. This network of associations is the competency’s structure.

Links or associations between elements are parent-child, meaning that one element is always below the other or attached to the other. For example, if an activity is attached to a learning objective, the activity is the child and the learning objective is the parent.

Because links are always parent-child, a competency structure takes the shape of a hierarchy, with the competency element at the top. To complete any element in a competency structure, all of the elements beneath it must first be completed.

The links between elements are managed separately from the elements themselves. This section explains how to add and remove links between elements—how to create and maintain a competency’s structure.

Rules of composition

Only certain kinds of links can be created. For example, you can attach an activity to a learning objective, but not to a competency. The following table summarizes the types of links that can be created.

Element Parents Children
competency other competencies

learning objectives

other competencies

learning objective


other learning objectives


other learning objectives

activity learning objectives --

See also


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