Using Dropbox Online Markup

If Plagiarism Detection is enabled, you can use the Online Markup functionality to add comments, insert inline text, and highlight sections in file submissions, directly from the Dropbox tool.

Note  Plagiarism Detection and Online Markup features are enabled through integration with Turnitin from iParadigms, LLC. To use these features, first obtain a valid Turnitin account, and then log in to your account to enable and configure the Desire2Learn integration and obtain your shared key. Visit for more information about obtaining a Turnitin account.

Activating Online Markup for your course dropbox folders

By default, Online Markup is turned off for your organization. To activate Online Markup you must first activate Plagiarism Detection, and then enable the following DOME variable for your org unit:

Dome Variable Value
d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.HasGradeMark On

Using Online Markup for dropbox submissions

If Online Markup is activated for your org unit, when you enable Plagiarism Detection and choose to Generate Originality Reports, the Online Markup functionality is automatically enabled as well.

To open a version of your dropbox submission in Online Markup

  1. From the Folder Submissions page, click Leave Feedback for the applicable user.
  2. Click the  Markup icon beside the applicable file. The Online Markup report opens in a new window.

Add comments, highlight text, save, and print your Online Markup report using the available tools in the menu bar. You can view a summary of the submission at the top of the page, including the total word count, submission date, and Originality Report rating.

Information icon

Viewing the Markup information section

Tip  For more detailed help with Online Markup functionality, click the Help menu item on the report.

Online Markup file type compatibility

The following file types are compatible with Online Markup:

If your file type is incompatible with Online Markup the  Information icon displays instead of the Online Markup report summary Markup icon.

See also


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