Adding questions to a quiz and setting up the quiz layout

Choose options in the Layout/Questions tab to add or remove questions or sections from your quiz:

  1. Click on the Layout/Questions tab from within a quiz.
  2. Click the Add/Edit Questions button.
  3. Create Sections for your quiz by choosing Section from the Create New drop-down list and click Go.
  4. Import questions from your Question Library by clicking the Import icon.
  5. Choose Question Library in the Source Collection drop-down list.
  6. In the Source Section drop-down list, choose Collection Root to show all of the questions and sections in your Question Library, or choose a specific section. Questions from your library display on the page.
  7. Check the boxes beside the questions you want to import.
  8. Click Save.


  1. Create questions in your quiz using the Create New drop-down list..
  2. Click Back to Quiz Layout/Questions to return to the Layout/Questions tab for your quiz.
  3. Set how many questions are displayed per page by typing the desired value in the Questions Per Page entry box and clicking Go.
  4. To manually insert a page break in the quiz, click on the small gray arrow between the questions where you want the page break to be. The gray arrow and line will turn blue, indicating the page break.

    Tip  Using a small number of questions per page reduces page load time.

  5. Click Save Quiz.

See also


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