Creating and editing objects

Create and add objects to the course tree to populate your course structure with content. Edit objects using the selected node panel.

  1. Creating and adding objects
  2. Creating and adding evaluation objects
  3. Editing objects

Creating and adding objects

When you create an object in the toolbox or drag a new object into the course tree, Course Builder interacts with its Learning Environment tool, enabling you to populate basic information and attributes. This streamlines the process of setting up your resources so you can focus on developing your course. From the toolbox or selected node panel, you can launch an object's corresponding tool to complete and finalize its details.

Create and add an object to the course tree

  1. From the Add Content section of the toolbox, do one of the following:
    • Drag an object type into the course tree in the location you want.
    • Click on the object type you want to create. From the Select a location pop-up window, click on the module or placeholder you want to add your object to.
  2. Enter general details and content for the object. The following Desire2Learn Help topics provide detailed information about creating each object type:
  3. Click Create.

Note  You can further define and develop objects you create in Course Builder within their respective tools.

Create an object in the toolbox

  1. In the toolbox, use the Browse Objects section to navigate to the area you want to create an object in.
  2. Click New [object type].
  3. Enter general details and content for the object.
  4. Click Create.

Add an existing object to the course tree

  1. In the toolbox, use the Browse Tools section to locate an existing object in your course.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the object you want to add to your course onto a drop target in the course tree.
    • Select the check box beside the object you want to add to your course structure and click Add to Course. From the Select a location pop-up window, click on the module or placeholder you want to add your object to.

Add multiple existing objects to the course tree

  1. In the toolbox, use the Browse Tools section to locate an existing set of objects in your course.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the objects into the course tree.
    • Select the check boxes beside the objects you want to add to your course. Click Add to Course. From the Select a location pop-up window, click on the module you want to add your objects to.

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Creating and adding evaluation objects

After adding activity objects (discussions, dropbox folders, and quizzes) to your course structure, you can associate them with evaluation objects (grade items and learning objectives). If an evaluation object is already associated with an activity, that association appears in the evaluation object's details when you browse objects. At the same time, an activity object displays Grading Details when it is associated with an evaluation object.

Create and add an evaluation object to the course tree

  1. From the Add Content section of the toolbox, do one of the following:
    • Drag an evaluation object type onto a discussion, dropbox folder, or quiz in the course tree.
    • Click on the evaluation object you want to create. From the Select a location pop-up window, click on the discussion, dropbox folder, or quiz you want to add your evaluation object to.
  2. Enter general details about the evaluation object. The following Desire2Learn Help topics provide detailed information about creating each evaluation object type:
  3. Click Create.

Note  You can further define and develop grade items and learning objectives you've created within their respective tools.

Add an existing evaluation object to the course tree

  1. In the toolbox, use the Browse Tools section to locate an existing grade item or learning objective in your course.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the evaluation object you want onto a discussion, dropbox folder, or quiz object in the course tree.
    • Select the radio button beside the evaluation object you want and click Add to Course. From the Select a location pop-up window, click on the discussion, dropbox folder, or quiz object you want to add your grade item or learning objective to.

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Editing objects

Edit an object in the course tree

  1. In the course tree, select the node of the object you want to edit.
  2. In the selected node panel, you can:
    • Click Edit [object type] to edit basic information and grade item associations.
    • If your object has a learning objective association, click Edit Learning Objective from the context menu beside the learning objective's name.
  3. Make your changes and click Save.

Edit an object in the toolbox

  1. In the toolbox, use the Browse Tools section to locate an existing object in your course.
  2. Click the object you want to edit to view its details.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit [object type] to edit basic information and grade item associations.
    • If your object has a learning objective association, click Edit Learning Objective from the context menu beside the learning objective.
  4. Make the changes you want and click Save.

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