Assessing ePortfolio items

ePortfolios are quickly being recognized as important learning tools because they encourage users to track and share all of the work that goes into a project, instead of just the final result. They also encourage users to tweak and improve their work over time. This shift helps emphasize the importance of looking at the entire learning process, rather than the end results, and helps users build an attitude of life-long learning and continuous improvement.

Desire2Learn ePortfolio lets you monitor user progress and provide ongoing feedback and support through comments and assessments. It is also integrated with Learning Environment so that users can submit items to dropbox folders in specific courses where they can be assessed or graded using the Competencies and Grades tool. When an item is submitted to a dropbox it becomes a unique object and is not updated when changes are made to the item in ePortfolio. Thus, having users submit items to a dropbox allows you to evaluate their achievements at a specific point in time, while evaluating users through ePortfolio allows you to provide guidance so they can continue to improve their work.

Leave comments, assessments and annotations in ePortfolio

You must have the appropriate permissions to leave comments, assessments, or annotations on an item in a user's portfolio. You can receive permissions to comment on, assess, or annotate (edit) a user's work in one of two ways:

Encouraging users to give you permission to comment on and assess portfolio items that relate to course work is an excellent way to provide users with informal, intermittent feedback.

Assess and grade ePortfolio items submitted to a dropbox folder

ePortfolio items that are submitted to a dropbox folder are treated as unique objects that are not modified when the original item changes. This allows you to assess or grade assignments without worrying about users revising their work.

Dropbox folders can be associated with a competency or a grade book item in Learning Environment. You can also attach feedback or comments to specific submissions.

Tip  If you select the Allow users to add this folder to their ePortfolio option for a dropbox folder, users can add their submissions, including feedback, to their ePortfolios. This allows users to continue improving their work, while maintaining a copy of how the item appeared at the time of assessment.

See also


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