Editing a competency or learning objective

Editing restrictions based on status

If you are using status and a competency’s status is Approved or Archived, the only properties you can change are Status and Make competency and children visible to users. To change any other properties, you will first need to change the status and save the competency.

If a learning objective is attached to an Approved or Archived competency, the only property you can change is Ready for Evaluation.

Activities can always be edited in the tool in which they were created.

Editing and re-evaluation

If you change an activity’s Achievement threshold, any users already assessed are re-evaluated to determine whether they meet the new threshold.

If you change an activity's Rubric (by selecting a different rubric), all existing assessments are cleared. If the activity is associated with a quiz or grade item that is evaluated automatically, users are re-evaluated.

In both cases, the rest of the structure above the activity is also re-evaluated (unless the competency structure the activity belongs to has a status of Draft or In Review).

Tip  If you are making a series of changes to the activities attached to a single learning objective, you might want to set the learning objective’s Ready for Evaluation property to No.

Editing shared competencies

You can edit most of the properties of shared competencies and their attached learning objectives only in the competency’s home org unit (the org unit where it is shared from).

Each org unit can independently set the competency’s Make competency and children visible to users property and each learning objective’s Ready for Evaluation property. You can edit these properties in any org unit where the competency is shared. Changing these properties only affects the current org unit.

Editing a competency, learning objective, or activity

Edit a competency, learning objective, or activity

  1. Click Competencies on the navbar.
  2. On the Competency List page, click the element’s name.
  3. Make the appropriate changes.
  4. Click Save.

See also

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