About Grades

Use the Grades tool to check your grades on assignments and tests. You can see your individual grades and comments, as well as class averages and feedback. You can also view your final grade and the grade formula used to evaluate you if your grades are released.

Course designers can set up grade books that reflect their approach to evaluation. You control the grading formula used to calculate grades; what projects, assignments, tests, etc. are graded; how grade items are associated with other tools; and when grades are released to users and what information they see.

Before you create a grade book, you should be familiar with the concepts the tool uses:

Understanding the grade book

A grade book is a list of items on which you evaluate users’ performance. Grade items can include assignments, tests, discussion posts, participation, etc. Together, the items in a grade book represent all the work that you evaluate users on in a course.

Before you can use the Grades tool you must set up a grade book.

Before you set up a grade book in Learning Environment you should know:

Although you can adjust your grade book later, making changes to how the grade book is structured or calculated after users’ grades have been entered can significantly change your data.

Access the Grades tool

Click the Grades link on your course navigation bar.

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