Creating a navbar

Your course navbar should contain all the links your course participants need to complete course work (such as Grades and Dropbox), and personal tools they might want to use (such as Email and Blog). It should also include links to navigate to Course Home, My Home and Logout.

Create a new navbar for your course

  1. On the main Navbars page, select the New Navbar button.
  2. Give your navbar a Name and Description.
  3. Select a navbar Template.

    Tip  Depending on your permissions, you may be able to create your own template. See Understanding navbar templates or Creating a navbar template for more info.

  4. Select whether to Share this navbar to child org unit(s) so they can use it as their navbar.
  5. Click Save.

Adding links to a navbar

The list of links you can choose from depends on the tools your organization uses, and the tools that you enabled for your course. See Setting up course tools for more information.

Typical navbar link locations:

Add links to a navbar

  1. Select the Links tab.
  2. Click the Add Links button for the navbar areas and add links to them.
  3. Select the appropriate tools and click Add.
  4. Modify the links and link areas as needed:
  5. Option Procedure

    Customize link areas

    1. Open the Actions context menu for the link area.
    2. Select Rename Link Area, Add New Custom Links, Reorder Links, Mult-Edit Links or Edit Legacy Settings (migrated navbars only).

    Customize links

    1. Open the Actions context menu for the link.
    2. Select Customize Link Display, Move or Remove.

    Change the navbar title

    1. Open the Actions context menu beside the navbar title.
    2. Select Edit Title.
  6. Click Preview Navbar at the top of the page to view your changes.

See also


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