Understanding navbars

Navbars, or navigational bars, are a set of links across the top of all pages that are used to navigate between tools and homepages. Each course (or other org unit) has its own navbar (based on the Course Default Navbar or another navbar) that links to relevant tools for that course.

By default new courses (and other org units) use the Course Default Navbar. Depending on your permissions you may be able to change your course navbar to another shared navbar or create a new navbar for your course. If you create a new navbar, you may be able to select a navbar template from a list of shared templates or create a new template. Navbar templates define the look and feel of a navbar, while the navbar controls which links are available on the navbar.

The New Navbar and Edit Navbar pages are divided into two tabs. The Properties tab is used to give your navbar a name and description, select a navbar template, and share the navbar with child org units. The Links tab is used to add links to the different navbar link areas. You can also rename the link areas, by default they are called: Top Left Link Area, Top Right Link Area, Bottom Left Link Area and Bottom Right Link Area. The link area names you provide are used as headings; some users, such as blind individuals who use screen readers, use headings to navigate between areas.

See also


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