Understanding navbar templates

Navbar templates allow you to customize and brand the look of navbars and share your designs with other org units. Navbar templates are automatically shared with all org units below the org unit in which they were created (child org units) in your organization's hierarchy. This means that a navbar template created at the department level is available to all child courses, but navbar templates created at the course level cannot be shared with other courses (you can create a navbar template in a course template and reuse it in course offerings for that course template). Since the navbar template only controls the look and feel of the navbar, org units that use a shared template may use the Course Default navbar links or create their own navbar and define which tool links they want to include on it.

Note  Depending on your permissions you may not be able to create navbar templates, in which case you will have to choose an existing template or use the Course Default Template.

The New Template and Edit Template pages are divided into two tabs. The Properties tab is used to give your template a name and description and restrict which org units the template is shared with. The Style tab is used to design the look and feel of the template.

Template style panels

Navbar templates are divided into twelve style panels that control the look and feel of different components of the template. Depending on your design, you do not need to set styles for all ten panels and you do not need to define each style within a panel.

Screen shot of NavBar template panels

Navbar template panels

General advice

See also


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