Managing navbars

Change a course navbar

  1. On the main Navbars page, select the Change button beside the name of the navbar in the Active Navbar area.
  2. Select a navbar from the drop-down and click Apply.

Copy an existing navbar

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the Copy icon beside the navbar's name.
  2. Click the name of your copy if you want to edit it.

Edit a navbar

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the name of the navbar you want to edit.
  2. Make your changes on either the Properties tab or Links tab.

Remove a tool or link from a navbar

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the name of the navbar you want to edit.
  2. Select the Links tab.
  3. Open the Actions context menu for the link.
  4. Select Remove.

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Reorder links

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the name of the navbar you want to edit.
  2. Select the Links tab.
  3. Open the Actions context menu for the link.
  4. Select Move Left, Move Right or Move Link To.

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Show or hide a link's text or icon

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the name of the navbar you want to edit.
  2. Select the Links tab.
  3. Open the Actions context menu for the link.
  4. Select Customize Link Display.
  5. Select Text Only, Icon Only or Icon and Text from the Link Style drop-down.
  6. Click Save.

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Rename a link area

  1. On the main Navbars page, click the name of the navbar you want to edit.
  2. Select the Links tab.
  3. Open the Actions context menu for the link area you want to rename.
  4. Select Rename Link Area.
  5. Enter a Custom Name or select none.
  6. Click Save.

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Delete a navbar

On the main Navbar page, click the Delete icon beside the navbar's name.

Warning You cannot undo this action. When you delete a navbar that is being used, the org units using the navbar are forced to use the Course Default Navbar. You cannot delete the Course Default Navbar and you can only delete a shared navbar from the org unit (or organization) it was created in.

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See also

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